Business owner consulting with insurance assistance

Business Owners Insurance in Texas

Business owners insurance is a comprehensive insurance package designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses, like plumbing contractors. It combines general liability and business property insurance into a single, convenient, and cost-effective policy.

Quote Texas Insurance can help you navigate through the various coverage options to find a business owner's policy (BOP) for your Texas plumbing business. We are available in Plano, Abilene, Austin, and other Texas areas. Our professionals are certified and licensed.

Click to start coverage! 844-402-4464

What Does a Business Owner's Policy Cover for a Plumber?

A Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) is a vital policy to protect your business. A BOP's core is a combination of general liability and business property insurance. GL insurance will protect you against lawsuits if your business is responsible for someone getting hurt or damaging property.  And business property insurance covers your assets, such as your office, equipment, and tools from theft, fire, and even hailstorms in Texas.

A Customizable Business Owner's Policy is a Valuable Solution

BOPs are further customizable to meet the specific needs of your company. In general, plumbing contractors tailor this insurance by adding some specific coverages that include: 

Business insurance
Business Interruption Insurance

A burst pipe can cause major damage to your business and keep your crews sideline for several days. Business interruption insurance can help you cover your lost income and ongoing expenses.

Commercial auto insurance

This policy protects your vehicles, the lifeblood of any plumbing business, in case of theft, vandalism, accidents, or other incidents.

Worker injured badly

In most states, including Texas, Workers' Compensation insurance is required if you have any employees. This insurance pays for medical costs and lost wages in the event of an employee suffering a work-related illness or injury.

Data breach protection
Data Breach Protection

A data breach in today's digital world can be costly. Some BOPs include optional coverage that can help you recover after a data breach, and protect your customers' information.

How We Help Texas Plumbing Contractors Protect Their Businesses

  • Understanding Your Business: We take the time to understand the plumbing business you run and the risks you face. We can then customize an insurance policy that protects your livelihood.
  • Expert Advice: We have experienced agents who are familiar with Texas insurance regulations for business and plumbing contractors. Our agents will explain the coverage options to you in simple, clear terms so that you can make an informed decision.
  • Comparing Top Carriers: Our 65+ network of insurance providers in Texas allows us to shop across top carriers. We can shop around for the best coverage and prices by comparing quotes from different carriers.