Job completed for Plumbing Contractor

Completion date: November 16, 2023

Location: Fort Worth, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

They faced a policy cancellation due to an unidentifiable VIN on their vehicle. The situation was tricky; the VIN on the door jam was blurry and unreadable.

Solutions provided:

I guided the customer to check the VIN on the dashboard. Although this too was blurry and damaged, together we managed to decipher it. This effort saved the client from the hassle of further investigations to find the correct VIN and, importantly, prevented their policy from being cancelled.

The client's response was heartwarming. He was extremely kind and grateful, reminding me that every day is a blessing and affirming my value as a person. Moments like these, where I can make a real difference in someone's day, are truly rewarding.

Jannette, Insurance Agent at Quote Texas Insurance

Team members on this project:

Jannette Ornelas